El prestigioso aceite de referencia en el mundo de la alta cocina acaba de sacar nueva cosecha al mercado. Ya que por su cuidada molturación es posible obtener el aceite tan solo dos horas después de la recolecta de aceitunas su sabor no pasa desapercibido, dando lugar a una textura suave propia de flores, frutas o verduras. Dauro, de Bodegas Roda (quienes también sacan ahora una nueva cosecha de su aceite mediterráneo Aubocassa) ha sido premiado internacionalmente con los galardones más destacados de su campo, y, además, lleva varios años estando presente en la cena de los Premios Nobel. Si eso no es sinónimo de excelencia, que baje dios y lo vea…
9 de abril de 2009 a las 14:16
[…] This is a best find of the day I mean this is best post today because on this post representing very cool and luxury product, generally every times we talk about oil as one of those luxury items in our cuisine. And the Nobel prizes are used in a given oil dinner in fifth consecutive year and the Spanish oil will be present at the Awards Gala for Excellence. And this is produced use the concept of payment and this luxury product production come from only one farm. And that we never mix oil a year with another well and allowed to transmit approach of every add climate. And product production farm has 110 hectares dedicated exclusively to the cultivation of olive grove of variety and the most extensive in Catalonia that produce oils and high-intensity soft fruit. And this DAURO OIL is very cool and allows to 2 hours after the olives harvested, DAURO keeps the flavors and aromas of a real fruit juice in his moment of time. And the presence of DAURO OIL is because the Nobel Prize has on several occasions and this is the best oil in ripe fruit of Spain Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Via […]
9 de abril de 2009 a las 13:12
very cool blog and i love thi blog
8 de abril de 2009 a las 9:51
Uno de los mejores aceites del mundo. Si hay algun forofo de los aceites le recomiendo que busque GRANDES PAGOS DE OLIVAR, 6 de mas o menos la misma calidad de este aceite.